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Wendell Lee Well Services
3791 Stone Station Road
Spartanburg, SC. 29376

Frequently Asked Questions
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Mention to your audience that, should they have a question or concern, they can either find the answer in one of the toggle modules below, or, that if their query still persists, they can contact you either using the contact details to the left or through the Contact page.
Will A Well Go Dry?
This is probably the most common question we get asked from customers. In short, yes, sometimes a well dries up. It is extremely rare to see a small diameter “punched” well go dry as these wells depend on aquifers in the rock below the surface water. In rare cases, a well may need to be drilled deeper to reach additional groundwater.
Is the water flow better the deeper the well goes?
Each well is unique. What may be true for some locations is not the same for other places. Well depth doesn’t always dictate water yield. Going deeper does give a well more storage capacity, but does not always mean more water flow will be obtained.
Do you witch for water?
“Witching,” is an alleged way to locate where water and allegedly even oil is hidden underground. It is based more on folklore than any scientific evidence. Wendell Lee Well Services does not believe in “witching” and we do not practice this in locating where to drill a well.
How do you know where to drill?
Wendell Lee Well Services likes to pick places that are convenient for our clients, are safe for everyone, and abide to all state laws regarding well placement. With the weight and size of our drilling equipment, the well can’t be located on a steep bank or hill unless grading is done to level the site out.
The mast on our machine is 40 ft tall, so raising up close to trees can be done as long as limbs aren’t close by. We also have state laws to abide by as well regarding distances from septic tanks, property lines, and bodies of water.
What stage of new construction do you normally drill?
We can drill in any stage of construction preferred. Some customers prefer to have the well completed during the beginning stages of construction to have water on site, others prefer to have it completed once the house is framed and well advanced in its construction.
What is a Temporary Well?
A temporary well is designed and installed with a future permanent hook up to you home or place of business. This allows you to build your home or anything for that matter and still have water hook ups to use on site. Below is an example of a temporary well installation.

I can't believe how well this works! Baaaaaaaadddd sulphur smell is GONE after just a few days. Totally worth the cost.
Excellent! Thanks so much for explaining all that, Wendell. That for sure is not the easiest subject by a long shot. Your concern that we the viewer/listeners understand this material is very evident. And that makes you a very fine teacher!!!
Fantastic! Thank you soo much! Great explanation especially the pros & cons.
I did exactly what you discussed! I bought land that the water was on the neighbor's land but thankfully the deed gave me lifetime water rights to it so it a good idea to make sure! I did end up having a well dug any way. So great advice from you !