Our Well

New Well Drilling
Wells drilled for new home construction, irrigation, geothermal, industrial, environmental, farm, recreational, and recovery wells.

Well Pump & Repair
Water Pump Repair and Service for all kinds of water pumping systems.

Water Treatment System
New Water Treatment system Installation and existing water treatment system service.

Well FAQ
Don’t see your well question listed here? Just give us a call! We are more than happy to answer any questions you have about well digging or maintenance.

Water Line Trenching
Trenching and burial of water lines and electrical wire serving a submersible pump. Trenching and burial of water lines from a city water tap to a house.

Water Heater, Plumbing Repair, and Local Plumber Services
Repair, removal and new installation of water heaters.
Browse our Products
1/2 Inch Hose Bibb, 1/4 Turn-All Sales Final
$20.00 -
1/2 Inch Relief Valve, 100 PSI-All Sales Final
$20.00 -
3/4 Inch Relief Valve, 100 PSI-All Sales Final
$20.00 -
3/4 Inch Hose Bibb, 1/4 Turn-All Sales Final
$20.00 -
Aeration Nozzle Kit-All Sales Final
$175.00 -
Concrete Well Cap-Pick Up Only
$175.00 -
Extra Small Fake Rock Water Well Cover-Pick Up Only
Harvard PVC Torque Arrestor For Submersible Pumps-All Sales Final
$25.00 -
Heavy Duty Pressure Switch Square D,On-60 PSI, Off 80 PSI , 20 AMP-All Sales Final
$135.00 -
Large Fake Rock Water Well Cover (Grey)-Pick Up Only
Liquid Filled Pressure Gauge 0-100 PSI 1/4″ Lower Mount-All Sales Final
$15.00 -
MilSpec 2″ x 100ft Cable & Pipe Wrap Tape-All Sales Final

Wendell J. Lee Well Services, Inc. was founded in Roebuck, South Carolina more than 100 years ago. It remained a family owned and operated company until 1994 when the company was purchased by business partners Wayne Floyd and Steve Calicutt. In recent years the company was bought out by Wayne Floyd and his son Grant Floyd, so the business continues to be family owned and operated.
The company continues to be operated in the same manner that has allowed it to flourish for more than a century. Wendell J. Lee Well Drilling, Inc. and the employees who represent it realize that the relationship with our customers has always been and will continue to be our best form of advertising. We strive to insure that each of our customers are satisfied with the quality of personal service they have received.
We continue to buid our business one customer at a time with an emphasis on trust and integrity and we look forward to meeting you and assisting you with all of your Water Well Drilling needs.
Wendell J. Lee Well Services, INC proudly services its customers with only the best water well products and customer services right here in the Upstate.
Have you ever thought about the benefits of Well Water?
A few benefits include:

Clean Water
Not subject to chlorine and chemicals mixed in like city water

Less Bills
No month to month bills to the local water system

Environmentally friendly

Low Operation Cost
Does not require constant operation of treatment plants.
Along with these benefits, having access to well water provides you access to a resource key to human survival.
It is a well known fact that people can not survive without access to water.
Having access to a well is a long term investment that provides access to NATURAL, CLEAN water that is not subject to contamination and chlorination.
Your own well also puts YOU in control of your water usage and water treatment techniques. Are you prepared for the worst?
Be prepared and provide your family with a life-time access to water.
Self Sufficient / Off the Grid Products
Hand Pump
Wendell Lee Well Services installs hand pumps which provide access to water without electrical power required.
Along with a submersible pump, a hand pump can be installed on top of the well casing to provide access to water at any time.
These pumps are made from the highest quality materials and require no priming or maintenance.

Solar Pump
Another option to stay off the electrical grid is to install a submersible solar pump.
This involves swapping a traditional electrical pump motor for a motor powered by a solar panel.
Multiple solar panels may be required to power the pump depending on the size of the pump. Call us today for more information regarding these products.

I can't believe how well this works! Baaaaaaaadddd sulphur smell is GONE after just a few days. Totally worth the cost.
Excellent! Thanks so much for explaining all that, Wendell. That for sure is not the easiest subject by a long shot. Your concern that we the viewer/listeners understand this material is very evident. And that makes you a very fine teacher!!!
Fantastic! Thank you soo much! Great explanation especially the pros & cons.
I did exactly what you discussed! I bought land that the water was on the neighbor's land but thankfully the deed gave me lifetime water rights to it so it a good idea to make sure! I did end up having a well dug any way. So great advice from you !